I act as liaison between Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) D.C., our partner organizations, and the D.C. public. As a member of the Welcome Team, I work to connect new and current members of the organization to campaigns, rallies, and events being led by our partner organizations. Assorted duties and accomplishments:
Organized and supported an in-person orientation that connected 25 new members with SURJ priorities and projects
Reguarly organize and attend monthly phone banks to connect new members with opportunities for action
Collaborate with other members of the Welcome Team at monthly meetings during which we identify upcoming opportunities for engagement and combat white supremacy culture through discussion and collective reflection
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) is a national network of organizations mobilizing white people for racial justice through community organizing and education. The D.C. chapter partners with 4 local organizations led and run by people of color to dismantle white supremacy and support racial justice movements.