Applied Project Management: Addressed project management in a variety of settings, with emphasis on the skills and vocabulary to design and manage large projects
"Making Research Matter:" Course centered on oral science communication and translating research for non-researcher publics
Public Writing: Course centered on written science communication and translating research for non-researcher publics
Public History: Course on the study and practice of public history and public education
Oral History: Methodological course on conducting, analyzing, and studying oral histories
Political Ecology: Intersections between ecological, social, and economic processes
Geographic Thought: History of geography as a discipline
Communicating Geography: Geographic sub-fields
Geographic Materialisms: Authenticity studies, material culture, and infrastructure
Bodies, Territory, and the Future: Feminist geography, land, and youth
Agrarian Studies: Land, labor, and agrarian studies
Ontological Politics: Design and construction of political and experiential worlds; resource management
Performance & History: Performance studies, memory, and history
Rhetoric of Public Memory: Memory studies
Culture & Identity:Relationships between culture, identity, and place
Selected Course Products
Introduction to Public History, Spring 2020 - Final project I created a dynamic web presentation to share my MA research findings with an audience of public history practitioners. Using photographs and examples from Historic Stagville near Durham, NC, I highlight the possibilities for public engagement and inclusive interpretation through incorporating landscape change over time into public tours and materials. View my work at
Geographic Materialisms, Fall 2018 - Class project A souvenir Civil War battlefields map enables me to think through aesthetic constructions of authenticity in landscape and geographies of heritage. I argue that material engagement with history is fundamental to performing specific American identities, with consequences for American futures. View my work and explore the full class project at